
stewardship events

  • stewardship planning for small congregations

    Stewardship Planning for Small Congregations

    Tuesday, August 27th

    10:00am- 4:30pm

    Trinity Lutheran, Cooperstown & on ZOOM

    How do we talk about money? How do we do a stewardship campaign in a small congregation? How do we tell the story of our mission and ministry? Join Rev. Tim Brown, Director for Congregational Stewardship for the ELCA, and Deacon Erin Power for a day of stewardship planning for this fall. Participants will leave with new tools for telling the stories of their ministry and a plan for a fall stewardship focus. This day is for lay leaders, rostered ministers, and synod lay ministers. Individuals are welcome, though congregations are encouraged to bring at least 2 people. 

    Rev. Tim Brown will be connecting with us via  Zoom, and participants are invited to attend either via Zoom or in person at Trinity Lutheran.  


    There is no cost for this event thanks to the generosity of the Vital Leaders Endowment.

    Register here!


  • Stewardship Starters: Quarterly Webinar Series

    September Webinar: Stewardship 101 for Council & Leaders

    Date: Monday, September 16, 6:30pm

    Click for Zoom Link

    Past Webinar Topics

    "Creating and Empowering a Stewardship Team" (May 2024)

    Click here to watch the recording. 

  • stewardship of life festival

    September 21, 2024


    First Lutheran  Church, Detroit Lakes, MN

    Speaker: Pr. Emily Carson

    “Stewardship of Life: Tending it All with Wisdom” 

    What does it mean to be wise stewards of our whole lives? Using gardening as our metaphorical playground, we’ll explore how we might faithfully tend our attention, resources, and relationships as both individuals and congregations. With opportunities to learn from creation, God, and one another, this day is intended to be an experience that will leave you feeling rooted and inspired.

    Register at:

  • cultivating generous congregations cohorts

    How do we, as communities of faith, change our thinking on stewardship and generosity to meet the challenges of the moment? In partnership with the Lake Institute on Faith & Giving, the ELCA is offering congregations the opportunity to reexamine their stewardship thinking and imagine ways to act on their findings in their communities. The six-week webinar “Cultivating Generous Congregations” will offer virtual cohort sessions where congregational leaders can discuss, dissect and collaborate on how generosity might work in their contexts. The webinar costs $550 per congregation, plus workbooks ($40 each).For a deeper look at what the webinar entails, watch this brief “Cultivating Generous Congregations” video.Please contact the Rev. Larry Strenge ( and the Rev. Tim Brown ( if you’re interested in participating! They will work with your synod to get you registered for the next cohort. 

    Mark Your Calendar:“Cultivating Generous Congregations”Fall 2024Time and Dates TBD

stewardship resources

Stewardship Website Resources


Book Recommendations:

  • Ask, Thank, Tell: Improving Stewardship Ministry in Your Congregation by Charles Lane
  • How Much is Enough: A Deeper Look at Stewardship in an Age of Abundance edited by Catherine Malosky
  • New Consecration Sunday by Herb Miller
  • Not Your Parents' Offering Plate by J. Clif Christopher
  • Embracing Stewardship by Charles R. Lane & Grace Duddy Pomroy
  • Giving to God by Mark Allan Powell
  • "5 Books to Read" Article
