Coaching ministry

What is Coaching?

Coaching is an intentional relationship of accompaniment between a trained coach and the individual, group, or team focused on growth and transformation. The coaching process utilizes powerful questioning, strategic listening, active reflection and goal setting to move you forward in ministry. Partnering with a coach can help you discover new gifts, explore obstacles from different perspectives, recognize resources available, and identify your next most faithful step.

In what ways can coaching help me and/or my congregation?

  • Personal leadership growth (i.e. vocational identity, discernment, authentic leadership, wellness through conflict and change, etc.) 
  • Growing in ministry leadership (i.e: as head of staff, associate pastor, deacon, council president, youth director, chair of a ministry team, etc.)
  • Skillful handling of staff or congregational change and/or conflict
  • Skillful handling of holy beginnings and/or endings
  • Multiplying leaders within your church community
  • Worship, Mission, or Stewardship development

Coaches also have further training in these ministry areas:

  • Church council development and building ministry teams
  • Empowering Discipleship
  • Mission Development and Congregational Vitality

Looking to learn more or connect with a coach? Contact Deacon Erin Power.