synod committees and teams

Advocacy and Action Team

Chair: Nancy Farnham

We acknowledge that the Spirit is the life of the church today - nudging, prodding, challenging, and nurturing us to practice our faith every day in caring for our neighbors and all of God’s creation.  Our baptismal privilege is one of service, and in serving all people, we serve Jesus.  In refusing, we refuse Jesus within them (Matthew 25:40,45). The Spirit’s call is both invitation and command.  This team seeks to give voice for how the Spirit is leading us on behalf of the Eastern North Dakota Synod. Advocacy and Action is our response.

Staff Liaison: Deacon Erin Power


Chair: Rev. Jessica Merchant

Candidacy is the name of a process that raises up, prepares, certifies, and places public leaders in the ELCA. The Candidacy Committee builds a relationship with each individual who enters the candidacy process to honestly evaluate their progress towards successful completion of the candidacy requirements. Learn more about candidacy here.

Staff Liaison: Deacon Laura Carson

Coaching Network

Coaching is an intentional relationship of accompaniment between a trained coach and the individual, group, or team focused on growth and transformation. The coaching process utilizes powerful questioning, strategic listening, active reflection and goal setting to move you forward in ministry. Interested in learning more or connecting with a coach? Interested in being trained as a coach/ joining the synod’s coaching network? Please contact the EaND Coaching Network at or fill out the coaching interest form, here.

Compensation Guidelines Committee

The Compensation Guidelines Committee reviews and prepares Compensation Guidelines annually for Synod Assembly review and approval. Members of the committee are representatives of rostered and lay ministry, as well as congregational leadership, I.e. - a congregation council President and/or Parish President. 

Staff Liaison: Pr. Brad Skogen

Constitution Review Committee

The Constitution Review Committee receives and reviews congregation constitutions as they are drafted and ratified by congregations in the synod. The group is composed of volunteers who have interest and experience with constitutional work. 

Staff Liaison: Pr. Brad Skogen

Global Mission


The Global Mission committee manages communication with our sister synod, CAR, and promotes global mission and ministry engagement around the world.

Staff Liaison: Deacon Erin Power

Nominating Committee

Chair: Rev. Rachel Puttbrese

The Nominating Committee is described in Chapter 9 of the Synod Constitution. The committee prepares slates of candidates for the elections of officers and some seats of the Synod council as well as membership of the Consultation Committee and Committee on Discipline. It consists of 11 members appointed by the Synod Council consisting of a representative from each conference as well as the Bishop and Vice President of the Synod. 

Staff Liaison: Pr. Brad Skogen