Texas-Mexico Border Trip
From Sun, Oct 27th at 9am to Sat, Nov 2nd at 10am
Eastern North Dakota Synod 1555 43rd St S, Suite 100 Fargo, ND 58103

Join Bishop Terry Brandt and others in an immersion experience at the Texas-Mexico border October 27-November 2, 2019. The experience will be a combination of learning and service. We will do some volunteer serving in the migrant shelters (cooking and serving meals, clothes sorting, or whatever the most urgent needs are at the time). We will also meet with Border Patrol agents as well as other organizations who live the reality on a day by day basis. The dates are over Day of the Dead (All Saints) and if allowed by the administration, the annual border mass will be held at this time where Eucharist is celebrated on each side of the wall and families can meet and touch each other through the wall. Registration is open and forms may obtained from Vicki Schmidt, veschmidt45@msn.com, delegation leader through the organization Abriendo Fronteras - Opening Borders (www.openingborders.com). Cost is $890 which includes all costs except airfare to El Paso. Housing, meals, programming, and transportation are all included in this price. A passport is needed to cross back into the US from Juarez, MX. This opportunity is a great way to use Continuing Ed funds, and a great opportunity for quality time with Bishop Brandt to think through our response to the situation through the lens of our faith.